Tuesday 20 October 2009


Throughout my newspaper and also my website I am going to include many pictures as pictures are one of the main parts of a newspaper for many reasons. Many people when reading newspapers they like to see them as they see them interesting and also people like to see what the article is about is it gives them more information. When making my newspaper I will try my hardest in trying to make my pictures as relative as possible so that the reader's do not become confused and lose interest in my newspaper.
I will try to use a whole different variety of pictures from large ones to small ones. When looking over the different newspaper and websites many of them included many pictures but generally were different sizes with a mixture of small and large. Generally all of these pictures were colour-full and gave the newspaper/website a consistant look and feel. Also when I include pictures on mine I will make sure that I put a caption below the picture so that the reader can see what the picture means if they do not understand.

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