Friday 16 October 2009

Planning of Potential Fonts

Above I have made a spider diagram of all of the potential fonts which I was going to use with both my newspaper and my website. There were many fonts to choose from but I have chosen to use "Times New Roman" as my font for both the newspaper and website, this font is used frequently by a lot of people. I was also seriously contemplating using Arial and Microsoft Sans Serif but these did not seem to popular with people in my focus group so I decided against this in the end.

I think that this font looks very professional and will give the newspaper and website a consistant look. Out of most of the potential fonts which I was going to use I thought that this font was most suitable and so did many people which I asked to comment on this. Also people asked about wat font they thought who were in my focus group also thought that this font looke most professional and is the type of font they thought would look suitable on a newspaper.

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