Tuesday 20 October 2009

Potential Language to use

In my newspaper and website I am going to use different types of techniques so that it is targeted at a whole variety of people. I think that I am going to use a lot of formal language and informative language throughout my newspaper and also carry this on to my website. by inlcluding these types of language this will give my newspaper a professional look and feel but will also hopefully keep the reader's interested. Generally in newspaper the title's are short & snappy and nearly always slang or informal. By including short & snappy titles this grabs the reader's attention and potentially pursuades them into wanting to read the article, this wil also attract the younger members of the area as we want to target as many people as possible. We do not want to include a lot of slang though as generally in local newspaper not much of this is used and this could cause are newspaper to look un-professional. Below I have created a spider diagram of all of the potential different language techniques which I could of used:

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